
Artist Statement
Restraint, desire, comfort in discomfort, tenderness, intimacy, objectification; these are a handful of themes I often use as catalysts for my work. I choose to re-imagine the intended purpose of prosaic objects through the subjective lens of the body.
Indoctrinated with a prescribed purpose, these objects undergo a transformation informed by gender, digital culture, sexuality, and the gaze. The viewer experiences things in an unexpected context, and is asked to be confronted with their own feelings. I am interested in the tension that exists between our innate impulses and our attempts to control them, and how this tension can give rise to feelings of discomfort. Aiming to transform and converse with objects and materials informed by contemporary cultural phenomena, I explore the contrast of a digital-centric life and the desire to understand what it means to subsist in our physical body.
Top image: Tools for Pleasure, 2022. leather straps, chrome hardware, lawn aerator, steering wheel lock, 36″ x 48”.

Tools for Pleasure, 2022. doorframe, acrylic rope, concrete, post hole digger, 36″ x 76”.
Skin 01, 2023. dissected Danier leather jacket, chrome hardware, latex tubing, thread, pearl sewing pins, 24″ x 60”.

Artist Bio
Kimi Moore is a multidisciplinary artist, currently exploring object manipulation through methods of sculpture and installation. Graduating with a B.F.A in Visual Arts and a minor in Computer Science in 2023, Kimi is currently living and working in Victoria B.C., as a visitor on WSÁNEĆ, Songhees, and Esquimalt First Nations lands. Exploring the ways in which we seek to restrain our desires, whether through social conventions, personal inhibitions, or other means, she focuses on creating objects and materials which hold references to the body and somatic experiences; sexuality, belief systems, and play. Kimi has had works displayed locally at Intamo Pleasurables and at the Audain Gallery. She has also recently exhibited as a part of Liquid Prism (2023) at Sexpo, an event put on by the University of Victoria’s Gender Empowerment Centre.

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Don’t need to know to feel it
April 15 to 23, 2023